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1981 年9 月-1985 年7 月 沈阳药学院大学本科学习

1985 年8 月-1987 年8 月 沈阳药学院助教

1987 年9 月-1989 年7 月 沈阳药学院硕士生(因科研工作突出提前获得硕士学位)

1989 年8 月-1995 年8 月 英国ladbrokes官方网站助教、讲师

1995 年9 月-1998 年6 月 英国ladbrokes官方网站博士生

1996 年2 月-1998 年4 月 赴日本东京大学药学部留学,完成了题为“甾体皂苷生物合成途径相关基因的研究”博士论文

1998 年7 月-2000 年11 月 英国ladbrokes官方网站生物制药教研室副教授 硕士生导师

2000 年12 月-现在 英国ladbrokes官方网站微生物与细胞生物学教研室教授 博士生导师






多年来先后主持国家科技部新药基金项目4项、国家中医药管理局基金1项、教育部优秀青年教师基金1项、省级新药重大项目2项、科技基金4项、其中在研项目包括十二五国家重大新药创制项目1项、辽宁省国家创新药物孵化(本溪)基地建设项目1项、沈阳市科技局重点实验室等多项国家及省部级纵向课题,同时承担企业研发项目多项,还与各大药企订立了逾千万元的横向研究课题;申报了十余项国家发明专利;发表SCI收录论文数十篇,其中高影响因子文章(IF: 10.6)发表在2016年ACS Catalysis第6期上。先后获得沈阳市科技进步一等奖一项、国家食品药品管理局科技进步三等奖一项、多次获得英国ladbrokes官方网站科技成果奖和科研标兵荣誉。在手性化合物的生物催化与生物转化和新药物研究领域具有良好的理论基础和配套的科研条件以及显著的科研业绩。





[1].Fengyu Qin†, Bin Qin*,†, Wenhe Zhang, Yalin Liu, Xin Su, Tianhui Zhu, Jingping Ouyang, Jiyang Guo, Yuxin Li, Feiting Zhang, Jun Tang, Xian Jia, and, Song You*, Discovery of a switch between Prelog and Anti-Prelog reduction toward halogen-substituted acetophenones in short-chain dehydrogenase/reductases. ACS Catalysis 2018, 8 (7), 6012-6020.(IF: 11.384)

[2].Fengyu Qin, Bin Qin, Takahiro Mori, Yan Wang, Lingxin Meng, Xin Zhang, Xian Jia, Ikuro Abe, Song You*, Engineering of Candida glabrata ketoreductase 1 for asymmetric reduction of α-halo ketones. ACS Catalysis 2016, 6 (9), 6135–6140.(IF: 11.384)

[3].Jiyang Guo, Rui Zhang, Jingping Ouyang, Feiting Zhang, Fengyu Qin, Guigao Liu, Wenhe Zhang, Hengyu Li, Xiaohong Ji, Xian Jia, Song You*, Stereodivergent synthesis of carveol and dihydrocarveol through ketoreductases/ene‐reductases catalysed asymmetric reduction, ChemCatChem 2018, 10 (23), 5496-5504.(IF: 4.674)

[4].Yuxin Li†, Bin Qin†, Xiaoqin Li, Jun Tang, Yu Chen, Lina Zhou, Song You*, Selective oxidations of cyperenoic acid by slightly reshaping the binding pocket of cytochrome P450 BM3, ChemCatChem 2018, 10 (3), 559-565.(IF: 4.674)

[5].Jingping Ou-yang, Wenhe Zhang, Fengyu Qin, Weiguo Zuo, Shaoyu Xu, Yan Wang, Bin Qin, Song You*, Xian Jia*, Enantioselective bioreduction of benzo-fused cyclic ketones with engineered Candida glabrata ketoreductase 1–a promising synthetic route to ladostigil (TV3326), Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2017, 15(35), 7374-7379.(IF: 3.423)

[6].Yu Chen, Jinlong Tian, Jingshuai Wu, Tiemin Sun, Lina Zhou, Shaojiang Song, Song You*, Biotransfomation of cyperenoic acid by Cunninghamella elegans AS 3.2028 and the potent anti-angiogenic activities of its metabolites, Fitoterapia 2017, 118: 32-37.(IF:2.408)

[7].Bin Qin, Yuxin Li, Lingxin Meng, Jingping Ouyang, Danni Jin, Lei Wu, Xin Zhang, Xian Jia, Song You*, “Mirror-Image” manipulation of curdione stereoisomer scaffolds by chemical and biological approaches: development of a sesquiterpenoid library. Journal of Natural Products 2015, 78 (2), 272-278.(IF: 3.798)

[8].Guozhen Ma, Zhongqi Xu, Pengfei Zhang, Jinpo Liu, Xilin Hao, Jingping Ouyang, Ping Liang, Song You*, Xian Jia*, A novel synthesis of rasagiline via a chemoenzymatic dynamic kinetic resolution, Organic Process Research & Development 2014, 18(10): 1169-1174.(IF: 2.992)

[9].Yinan Chen, Lang Zhang, Bin Qin, Xin Zhang, Xian Jia, Xiaoying Wang, Danni Jin, Song You*, An insight into the curdione biotransformation pathway by Aspergillus niger. Natural Product Research 2014, 28 (7), 454-460.(IF: 0.919)

[10].Bin Qin, Ping Liang, Xian Jia, Xin Zhang, Mao Mu, Xiaoying Wang, Guozhen Ma, Danni Jin, Song You*, Directed evolution of Candida antarctica lipase B for kinetic resolution of profen esters. Catalysis Communications 2013, 38, 1-5.(IF: 3.389)

[11].Ping Liang, Bin Qin, Mao Mu, Xin Zhang, Xian Jia, Song You*, Prelog and anti-Prelog stereoselectivity of two ketoreductases from Candida glabrata. Biotechnology Letters 2013, 35 (9), 1469-1473.(IF: 1.639)

[12].Xin Su, Weizhuo Xu, Xin Liu, Ruifang Zhuo, Caiyun Wang, Xin Zhang, K. Kakutani, Song You*, The isolation and identification of a light-induced protein in alfalfa sprouts and the cloning of its specific promoter, Gene 2013, 520(2): 139-147.(IF: 2.319)

[13].Lina Zhou, Weizhuo Xu, Yinan Chen, Jing Zhao, Na Yu, Beibei Fu, Song You*, Stereoselective epoxidation of curcumol and curdione by Cunninghamella elegans AS 3.2028, Catalysis Communications 2012, 28: 191-195.(IF: 3.389)



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